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Do alligators have scales or skin?

Alligators are reptiles, and most but not all reptiles have a few things in common. Reptiles are usually cold-blooded, lay eggs, and have scales or scutes. But this isn’t always the case. Lets’ take a closer look at these big reptiles. Do alligators have scales or skin? What are alligators? Alligators are large reptiles, with …

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Do kangaroos lay eggs or give live birth?

With the animal kingdom being as diverse as it is, there are many ways animals reproduce. Some lay eggs, some give birth to live young, some species do both, and some species even reproduce by cloning themselves. Let’s take a closer look at a reproduction of kangaroos and answer the question; do kangaroos lay eggs …

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What are the most venomous snakes in the world?

Snakes are fascinating creatures. Some aren’t venomous at all, and some will bite you and cause just a little discomfort, while some species can easily send you six feet under. Learn what are the most venomous snakes in the world, as well as which species of snakes take the crown on each continent. The most …

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What happens during the apparent retrograde motion of a planet?

If you observe planets in the night sky, you might have noticed at times; they appear to start moving in the opposite direction, a phenomenon called retrograde motion. Let’s explore what happens during the apparent retrograde motion of a planet. What is retrograde motion? In astronomy, retrograde motion is the motion of an object in …

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